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Thema Program for TU Dresden Staff: Unconscious biases – How our brain tricks us and how this influences our decisions
Zielgruppe TU Dresden staff
Veranstaltungsform Workshop in English
Workshop in engl. Sprache
Bemerkung: one-day workshop
Abschluss Certificate of Attendance
participation in at least 80% of the training required (see Terms and Conditions of Participation)

We live in an increasingly complex world. We are bombarded with tons of information every day. In order to remain able to act here, our brain tries to filter out and interpret the most important information. To do this, we use categories, stereotypes and memories to make the world “tradable” for us. These habits of our thinking are extremely efficient. Nevertheless, they lead to the emergence of unconscious biases that lead to erroneous unconscious prejudices and decisions.

Unconscious biases have a significant impact on how you work with other people.

This has a variety of consequences: we underestimate or overestimate the competence of people, prefer people who are similar to us and allow ourselves to be influenced by the group. Talents are overlooked, people are promoted who are not necessarily best suited for the position, and needs are misjudged. Examples of relevant fields of action are project staffing, assessment procedures, attitude, team culture and dealing with each other.

When people are sensitized to unconscious bias, this strengthens their decision-making and leadership skills. You learn to reflect better so that decisions can be made in a more unprejudiced, objective and performance-oriented manner.

Learning Objectives: After the workshop

  • you will be able to explain how unconscious bias/unconscious prejudices arise and understand how biases affect decisions.
  • you know why we all have prejudices and how our brains trick us
  • you will develop a more responsible approach to your own blind spots in everyday work.
  • you will be able to use empathetic listening with genuine interest.
  • you will be able to create a safe atmosphere in which everyone feels comfortable.
  • you will learn to accept that imperfection is part of reality.

This workshop will focus on:

  • Explanation of the neuroscientific/psychological background
  • Awareness instead of guilt and shame
  • How to create a safe working atmosphere: recognize and prevent micro-injustices/aggressions
  • Recognize and prevent excessive behavior and communication and thus increase motivation
  • Self-reflection
  • group conformity and group-compliant behavior
  • diverse perspectives
  • structural biases: Effects of university-specific norm and group thinking on diversity strategies and the ability to compete and innovate.
  • Strengthen integrative behavior in the sense of diversity-conscious peer collaboration and leadership

Methods: theoretical input and interactive methods with aha moments; many practical exercises and living examples; focus is on implementation; working with personal examples and experiences

The scope of the workshop is 8 working units (1 working unit = 45 min).

We would like to make our offers as inclusive and accessible as possible. Please contact us about your wishes and needs.

Partner Dr. Iris Wangermann
Technische Ausbildungsmittel stable internet connection, microphone or headset, camera
Förderung funded under the Excellence Strategy of the Federal Government and the Länder
Teilnahmebegrenzung max. 12 Teilnehmer
Termine 12.06.2023 bis 13.06.2023, Turnus: einmalig
Bemerkung: from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

The workshop is fully booked.

Anmeldeschluss: 29.05.2023 registration deadline
Veranstaltungsort TU Dresden, Zentrum für Weiterbildung // center for continuing education
online: virtual conference room (zoom)
Kosten Voll: 0,00 Euro
Bemerkung: für Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter der TU Dresden und des IHI Zittau
Anbieter TU Dresden, Dezernat Studium und Weiterbildung, Zentrum für Weiterbildung
Ansprechpartner Kathrin Müller
Tel.: +49 351 463-37822

Beate Herm
Tel.: +49 351 463-37811
Sonstige Bemerkungen zur Teilnahme:

By registering, you confirm that you have taken note of the Terms and Conditions of Participation.

We ask for written registration via the registration button below.

The Hygiene Concept is valid for events of the Centre for Continuing Education in presence at the time of the event.

Zentrum für Weiterbildung

Telefon: +49 351 463-37811
Fax: +49 351 463-36251

Mommsenstr. 6
Zimmer 143

TU Dresden
Zentrum für Weiterbildung
01062 Dresden

TU Dresden
Zentrum für Weiterbildung
Helmholtzstraße 10
01069 Dresden