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Details Weiterbildungsangebot

Thema Program for Academics: AI Writing Tools: Integration into teaching
Zielgruppe Academic staff
Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter der TU Dresden
Bemerkung: Teachers and Scientists
Veranstaltungsform Workshop
Abschluss Teilnahmebescheinigung

New developments in the field of artificial intelligence, such as the prominent example of ChatGPT, enable completely new applications in business, administration and society; in particular, new opportunities and challenges arise for teaching and studying. An active creative approach to Artificial Intelligence is thus increasingly becoming an essential competence for students and teachers.

The release of the AI system ChatGPT has shaken up teachers at schools and universities: The language model is able to provide answers to questions in natural language, for example when working on homework or solving exams. In this context, the handling of the models in the context of scientific writing is also becoming increasingly important. The workshop will deal with the constructive use of AI systems to support in the writing process (of students).


  • What are the competencies in the writing process and how can AI support and change the learning of these competencies?
  • How and for what purpose can students and teachers use AI productively in the writing process?
  • And how can problems and challenges be addressed?

Learning Objectives:
Participants will...

  • reflect on their own point of view and handling of AI assistance systems in scientific writing
  • will be able to name and question challenges and opportunities in dealing with AI assistance systems in
    in scientific writing and question them.
  • work out possibilities for the (subject-specific) use of AI assistance systems in scientific writing.

Work forms: Kurzinputs, Gruppenarbeit, moderierter kollegialer Austausch

Short inputs, group work, moderated collegial exchange.
The workshop consists of 4 working units (AE); 1 AE = 45 min.

Berufliche Einsatzmöglichkeiten Dieser Workshop kann für das Modul II im Zertifikatsprogramm des Hochschuldidaktischen Zentrums Sachsen HDS mit 4 AE im Handlungsfeld Methoden, Mediean & Digitales anerkannt werden.
Partner Paulina Hösl, Schreibzentrum TUD
Förderung Gefördert aus Mitteln vom Hochschulpakt 2020.
Teilnahmebegrenzung min. 6 Teilnehmer, max. 25 Teilnehmer
Termine 15.11.2023, Turnus: einmalig
Bemerkung: 1 pm - 4 pm

Anmeldeschluss: 10.11.2023
Veranstaltungsort TU Dresden, Zentrum für Weiterbildung
Fritz-Foerster-Bau, Mommsenstraße 6, Raum/Room 101, 01069 Dresden
Kosten Voll: 0,00 Euro
Bemerkung: Das Angebot ist kostenfrei für Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter der
  • TU Dresden und des IHI Zittau
  • HDS-Verbundhochschulen BA Sachsen, EHS Dresden, FH Zwickau, HfBK Dresden, HfT Leipzig, HTWK Leipzig, Hochschule Mittweida, Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz, HTW Dresden, HTWK Leipzig, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, TU Chemnitz, Uni Leipzig, WH Zwickau
Anbieter TU Dresden, Dezernat Studium und Weiterbildung, Zentrum für Weiterbildung
Ansprechpartner Ulrike Samuelsson
Tel.: +49 351 463-37882
Sonstige Bemerkungen zum Angebot:

This further education offer is basically directed at lecturers of the TU Dresden. Lecturers of HDS member universities have the possibility to participate if there are still free workshop places.

zur Teilnahme:

By registering, you confirm that you have taken note of the conditions of participation = Teilnahmebedingungen

Please register in writing using the registration button below.

Zentrum für Weiterbildung

Telefon: +49 351 463-37811
Fax: +49 351 463-36251

Mommsenstr. 6
Zimmer 143

TU Dresden
Zentrum für Weiterbildung
01062 Dresden

TU Dresden
Zentrum für Weiterbildung
Helmholtzstraße 10
01069 Dresden