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Thema For Professors: Lets talk about it... - Coaching for scientific authors
Zielgruppe TU Dresden Junior Professors
TU Dresden Tenure Track Professors
TU Dresden Professors
Veranstaltungsform Online-Coaching
Abschluss -
Inhalt Ultimately, research always means writing scientific texts quickly and publishing them successfully: Articles, monographs or the final project report. But questions also arise during the first project proposal or the requested review, which can be answered more quickly and motivatingly in a discussion with a text expert.
We call it coaching and open up a space in which you can take a step back and ask questions, in which you do not have to search for answers yourself and receive immediate feedback on your ideas and texts.
In a coach, you will find a partner with whom you can walk the path of searching for answers together and a counterpart who can guide you from a wealth of experience. As academic coaches, we offer you methods and tools to help you find your way out of unmotivated procrastination, stagnation or despair about your text project. This will help you move forward again, enjoy writing and achieve your goal in a balanced way.

We are offering individual coaching for professors with Dr Beate Richter from the Wissenschaftliche Schreibwerkstatt Berlin. You can book a total of 270 minutes of consultation time on all questions relating to the planning of research projects, text production and publication.

Beate Richters counseling service offers professional support for all challenges associated with the implementation of project ideas, planning steps and/or results in successful texts. Difficulties in conceptualising, structuring and formulating ideas can be reflected upon and individual solutions found. The coaching can relate to German and/or English texts and can be carried out in German or English.

The coaching program covers the following areas, among others:
  • Developing the project concept and writing the exposé, project proposal,
  • Development of text concepts, structures and publication strategies for articles,
  • Development of text concepts and structures for a monograph,
  • Efficient strategies for writing final reports for research projects,
  • Writing and revision strategies for scientific texts.
Please register by...
  1. sending the ILV form to weiterbildungskatalog@tu-dresden.de (does not apply to junior and tenure track professors).
  2. sending an email to Beate Richter (kontakt@beate-richter.de), who will arrange an initial appointment with you.

We would like to make our offers as inclusive and accessible as possible. Please contact us about your wishes and needs.

Partner Dr. Beate Richter
Technische Ausbildungsmittel stable internet connection, microphone or headset, camera
Förderung funded under the Bund-Länder-Programm zur Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses (Federal and State Program for the Promotion of Young Scientists)
Termine Termin auf Anfrage
Veranstaltungsort TU Dresden, Center for Continuing Education
virtual conference room
Kosten Voll: 72,00 Euro
for Professors of TU Dresden
We recommend the settlement via a cost centre or via a PSP-Element (internal activity allocation). For this purpose, please send the completed ILV form to the Centre for Continuing Education by e-mail: weiterbildungskatalog@tu-dresden.de.
Employees inside the Faculty of Medicine please state the billing address of the Faculty of Medicine when registering: Medizinische Fakultät der TU Dresden, Zentrale Eingangsrechnungsprüfung, Fetscherstraße 74, 01307 Dresden.

Ermäßigt: 0,00 Euro

for Junior Professors, Tenure Track Professors and Heisenberg Professors of TU Dresden
Please specify when registering.

Anbieter TU Dresden, Dezernat Studium und Weiterbildung, Zentrum für Weiterbildung
Ansprechpartner Beate Herm
Tel.: +49 351 463-37811

Lydia Barth
Tel.: +49 351 463-37853
Sonstige Bemerkungen zur Teilnahme:

By registering, you confirm that you have taken note of the Terms and Conditions of Participation.

Zentrum für Weiterbildung

Telefon: +49 351 463-37811
Fax: +49 351 463-36251

Mommsenstr. 6
Zimmer 143

TU Dresden
Zentrum für Weiterbildung
01062 Dresden

TU Dresden
Zentrum für Weiterbildung
Helmholtzstraße 10
01069 Dresden