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Thema Workshop for Professors: Micropolitics and Committee Work – Understanding the Strategic Use of Informal Power
Zielgruppe TU Dresden Junior Professors

TU Dresden Tenure Track Professors

TU Dresden Professors
Veranstaltungsform Online-Workshop
Bemerkung: three-part workshop (3 half days) in English
Abschluss Certificate of Attendance
participation in at least 80% of the training required (see Terms and Conditions of Participation)
Inhalt According to the principle of academic self-governance, institutions of higher education are entitled to manage themselves. Therefore, participation in university committees is one of the (traditional) duties of professors. In various settings, considerable time is devoted to committee work, whether at the top level or decentralized levels of the university organization. Collectively, decisions are taken regarding appointments, curricula, examination laws, development planning etc..

Sometimes nonetheless committee members meet irritating and even incomprehensible situations and outcomes, for example: overwhelming dominance behaviour, bypassing of formal regulations, intransparent manoeuvres, expertise may be ignored in decision-making, or rival camps may impede reasonable cooperation. Some processes are perceived as unproductive, frustrating or even annoying. However, experience also tells us that difficult situations can be mastered by analyzing the dynamics of key situations and of the players‘ interests involved, by skillful communication and, generally, by a power-conscious approach.

The theoretical approach of micropolitics and its conceptual enhancement provide a framework to systematically grasp manifestations of the everyday uses of power in organizations. It focuses on individual or collective strategies that are used to exert informal influence or to avoid control by others - here: in committee work.

Learning Objectives:
  • understand the power processes and the games played in your committee environment
  • reflect on your own power resources and roles in micropolitical games - as ‚victims‘ or ‚agents‘ - supported by a systematic and unbiased approach
  • identify strategies to pursue your goals more effectively
  • enhance your personal micropolitical competence

This Workshop will focus on:
  • science system and university organization
  • micropolitics, power games, power resources
  • committees as ‚arenas‘
  • roles / game positions
  • room for manoeuvre and micropolitical tools

  • brief introductions to concepts and models
  • reflective exercises
  • working in groups on case studies or on one‘s own cases
  • plenary discussions
  • facilitation of peer consulting if desired

  • Course of the Workshop:
    1. Preparation for 1st session: Participants are asked to engage in a virtual presentation of themselves and in an exercise of personal reflection on micropolitical games.
    2. Between 1st and 2nd session: Join in a piece of individual homework (facultative).
    3. Between 2nd and 3rd session: Analyze systematically the relevant events and practice some micropolitical tools.
    4. After the workshop: Participants will receive a comprehensive script which includes the lecture notes, references to sources and recommended reading, and some inspirations for further practical exercises.

    The scope of the workshop is 14 working units (1 working unit = 45 min) including 12 units for the workshop and 2 units for self-study.

    We would like to make our offers as inclusive and accessible as possible. Please contact us about your wishes and needs.

Partner Dr. Veronika Fuest
Technische Ausbildungsmittel stable internet connection, microphone or headset, camera
Förderung funded under the Bund-Länder-Programm zur Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses (Federal and State Program for the Promotion of Young Scientists)
Teilnahmebegrenzung min. 7 Teilnehmer, max. 12 Teilnehmer
Termine 16.05.2023 bis 15.06.2023, Turnus: einmalig
  1. Tuesday, May 16th, 2023, 9:00 am – 12:30 pm
  2. Thursday, June 15th, 2023, 9:00 am – 12:30 pm

Anmeldeschluss: 01.05.2023
Veranstaltungsort TU Dresden, Center for Continuing Education
virtual conference room (Zoom)
Kosten Voll: 45,00 Euro
for Professors of TU Dresden
  • We recommend the settlement via a cost centre or via a PSP-Element (internal activity allocation). For this purpose, please send the completed Form ILV to the Centre for Continuing Education by e-mail: weiterbildungskatalog@tu-dresden.de.
  • Employees inside the Faculty of Medicine please state the billing address of the Faculty of Medicine when registering: Medizinische Fakultät der TU Dresden, Zentrale Eingangsrechnungsprüfung, Fetscherstraße 74, 01307 Dresden.

Ermäßigt: 0,00 Euro

for Junior Professors, Tenure Track Professors of TU Dresden
Please specify when registering.

Anbieter TU Dresden, Dezernat Studium und Weiterbildung, Zentrum für Weiterbildung
Ansprechpartner Beate Herm
Tel.: +49 351 463-37811

Lydia Barth
Tel.: +49 351 463-37853
Sonstige Bemerkungen zur Teilnahme:

By registering, you confirm that you have taken note of the Terms and Conditions of Participation.

We ask for written registration via the registration button below.

The Hygiene Concept is valid for events of the Centre for Continuing Education in presence at the time of the event.

Zentrum für Weiterbildung

Telefon: +49 351 463-37811
Fax: +49 351 463-36251

Mommsenstr. 6
Zimmer 143

TU Dresden
Zentrum für Weiterbildung
01062 Dresden

TU Dresden
Zentrum für Weiterbildung
Helmholtzstraße 10
01069 Dresden